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The Death of Google Reader and Your Blog

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By Unknown - 22:54

In case you haven't heard, Google Reader is  going away July 1, 2013.
That means your subscribers who read your blog via Google Reader will have to find another way to subscribe via RSS.

The good news is Feedly has cloned Google's API and it's as if they've been preparing for the Google Reader demise for quite some time.

So they promise a "seemless transition", but it's worth noting that Feedly is not compatible with Internet Explorer.
Granted, not many people use this browser much anymore, but there are still enough users to make this newsworthy.

I did download the Feedly app on my iPhone and let's just say it's going to take some getting used to because the browsing experience is not quite the same as Google Reader.

The other catch is that Feedly's servers have been quite unstable since the Google Reader announcement so that is another cause for concern.

Hopefully things will run smoother as time goes on. Three other options include Sauan7 Aggregator , NewsBlur and The Old Reader.

Just keep in mind that whenever you rely on a 3rd party, there's always the risk of them shutting down or not staying free forever.  So keep that in mind as you seek other alternatives.

Now might be a good time to inform your readers about this important news so they can subscribe to your blog via other services.

In spite of Google Reader going away,RSS is still a VERY popular method people use to subscribe to blogs and podcasts, so definitely make sure your readers know about this.

Have a great day!
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